Sound Solutions is a participating provider, contracted to service eligible plan members for all of the following insurance companies. We’ll help you learn about insurance, verify your benefits and explore financial assistance options for your hearing aids. If you don't see your insurance company listed below, give us a call!
United Healthcare
Find out more about types of health insurance before you choose your plan. We're here to answer your questions and provide support to help you understand and use your benefits.
Humana - TruHearing®
As a Humana member, you have access to a hearing aid program through TruHearing®. Depending on your Humana plan, you can reduce your out-of-pocket costs by using your hearing aid benefit, hearing aid allowance, or TruHearing’s discounted hearing aid program.
Call for more information 1-844-353-5940 (TTY:711)
The hearing aid benefit is offered on Humana Medicare Advantage HMO plans. Medicare beneficiaries who are interested in the hearing aid benefit should visit to learn more.
Or, call us at 479-443-2210 and we can verify your benefits.
Arkansas Blue Cross – TruHearing®
Good hearing is important to your health. That’s why Arkansas Blue Cross and Blue Shield offers you a hearing aid benefit through TruHearing®.
Call TruHearing to learn more 1-844-822-1845
Or, call us at 479-443-2210 and we can verify your benefits.
Aetna - Nations Hearing
Aetna Medicare Advantage plans include hearing care, such as checkups, exams, and hearing aids.
As of January 1, 2021, NationsHearing will administer all routine hearing-related services for some Aetna Medicare Advantage members. These services include hearing exams and all hearing aid benefits.
For more information call NationsHearing at 1-877-225-0137, Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 11 PM ET
Or, call us at 479-443-2210 and we can verify your benefits.
Hearing Care Solutions
Works with most insurance plans, and offers an annual hearing exam and a wide selection of hearing aids, with multiple levels of technology from 9 major manufacturers.
Check with your health plan or call 1-866-344-7756 today to find out if they work with your plan!
Or, call us at 479-443-2210 and we can verify your benefits.
All Well
Allwell offers a Medicare Advantage plan which includes hearing care.
United Health Care - Epic Hearing
UnitedHealthcare Hearing is UnitedHealthcare’s hearing division that helps make hearing health care more accessible and affordable to members enrolled in UnitedHealthcare individual, employer-sponsored and Medicare Advantage plans. The coverage amount depends on the plan a person chooses and their location.
UHC coordinates with Ear Professionals International Corporation (EPIC) Hearing Healthcare to offer affordable products and services to their members.
Call UnitedHealthcare Hearing at 1-855-523-9355, TTY 711. Or visit
Or, call us at 479-443-2210 and we can verify your benefits.
By partnering with leading health plans, unions, and other organizations, Amplifon Hearing Health Care offers health hearing assistance.
Covered health plan members may be eligible for hearing care benefits.
Over the counter hearing aids have begun to emerge recently. Here are some things to keep in mind as you consider getting over the counter hearing aids.OTC hearing aids are best suited for adults with mild to moderate hearing loss. If you struggle with peoples voices sounding muffled, or needing the TV volume higher than people around you, then you may struggle with mild hearing loss. If you struggle with more severe hearing loss, you should consult a professional before you decide what type of hearing aids are right for you. OTC hearing aids come in a variety of styles including, behind the ear, in the ear, and in the canal. This affordable and accessible hearing aid option could be right for you. To learn more about the pros and cons of OTC hearing aids, contact Sound Solutions to set up an appointment!
If you don’t see your insurance company listed here, give us a call at
and we’ll help. We’re contracted with all major and third party insurance carriers and can help you get the assistance you qualify for. It’s just part of how we partner with you on your journey to better hearing.
Office: 479-443-2210
Fax: 479-587-9455
61 E Sunbridge Dr Suite 2
Fayetteville, Arkansas
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