If you or someone you know has begun to experience hearing loss in recent years then you know that it be a discouraging process. Poor hearing can lead to difficult communication and also frustration. Hearing protection is a good way to prevent this damage from occurring but if you have already noticed hearing damage, our team at Sound Solutions is here to help! At Sound Solutions, we are dedicated to finding a way to improve your hearing. We are hearing improvement experts and we are proud to offer many different types of hearing aid solutions for you and the people that you love. For many adults, overcoming hearing loss is possible with the right tools and help. At Sound Solutions we offer a variety of hearing products, including over the counter (OTC) hearing aids, to meet your needs. From musician monitors to rechargeable hearing aids and more, we've got you covered! Contact us today to get started on the path to better hearing.
30 Years of Trusted Experience
To begin, we will schedule an appointment with you to learn more about your hearing needs. After meeting with Les Magee and doing a hearing evaluation test, we will then meet with you to schedule a hearing aid fitting and consultation. There are many different hearing aid options, even OTC hearing aids, to choose from so a member of our team will help you to narrow down what hearing aid style will fit you and work the best for you. At this meeting, it’s important to discuss your lifestyle and routine so that we can determine what type of hearing aid you will need. Our customers' lives are all very different, which is why we offer a large selection of hearing aids. Most all hearing aids use a similar structure to carry sound into the ear and through a microphone which then amplifies the sound. Contact Sound Solutions serving Northwest Arkansas today to find out more about the different styles we carry and to talk about what hearing aid fits may work best for you. You can trust our professional hearing services to take care of you!
behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid is a larger hearing aid that goes over the top of your ear and then rests behind the ear connecting to a piece inside of the canal. This type of hearing aid can work for people of all ages and different stages of hearing loss.
An in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aid is a custom-molded hearing aid that partially fits in the ear canal. This style is also smaller and works best for adults with more minor hearing loss.
in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aid is often made into two different styles known as a full and half shell. Although the shapes are slightly different both styles are helpful for people with mild to severe hearing loss. In the ear hearings, aids are also available with directional microphones that help to make hearing clear in noisy situations.
receiver-in-canal (RIC) style is similar to a behind-the-ear hearing aid. The main difference in the two styles is that this hearing aid is connected with a tiny wire on the outside of the ear, rather than tubing. This option offers more controlled manually operated options and settings.
A completely-in-the-canal hearing aid is molded to fit inside of your ear canal. This hearing aid style helps to improve milder cases of hearing loss in adults.A completely-in-the-canal hearing aid is one of the smaller and more discrete hearing aid styles, however, it often comes with fewer controllable options.
An open-fit hearing aid keeps the ear canal very open. By doing so, it allows some sounds to enter the ear naturally and others of a higher frequency to be amplified as needed through the hearing aid and comes with a variety of other features.
Our new contactless charging hearing aids makes charging your hearing aids easier than ever before. After being charged, your hearing aids will be ready for use for up to 28 hours of use. Additionally, they have bluetooth usability, Integrated (Re)mix technology, direct streaming capabilities, and more! Contact us today to learn more!
If you've been searching for ways to improve your hearing then look no further! To learn more about our hearing aid options and to schedule an appointment, contact us today. A member of our Sound Solutions team would love to assist you.
Office: 479-443-2210
Fax: 479-587-9455
61 E Sunbridge Dr Suite 2
Fayetteville, Arkansas
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